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News - In WTA they can introduce fines for posts in social networks after the Bados and Linett scandals in China


In WTA they can introduce fines for posts in social networks after the Bados and Linett scandals in China

 In WTA they can introduce fines for posts in social networks after the Bados and Linett scandals in China

The new CEO of WTA Porsha Archer sent a letter to the players in which she warned about the inadmissibility of the publication of tasteless content in social networks.
This happened after Paula Bados and Magda Linett apologized for posts during tournaments in China. The Spaniard posted a photo with pulled corners of her eyes, and Polka joked about the origin of Covid.
Tournaments and countries accept us, make great efforts and bear great costs, so it is extremely important to respect the local culture.
tasteless content of any type (photographs, references, text, video) related to culture, history or unpleasant stereotypes about peoples or region does not fit into the values of WTA. We will not tolerate it, ”Archer wrote in a letter to the players.
In the letter, she also mentioned the rules of conduct WTA - and this may indicate that the posts in social networks of tennis players will begin to be fined.

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